Every good movie has well-developed main characters and an excellent supporting cast. My life is no exception....
The supporting characters in my life are:
Pinkalicious- My five year old daughter who is desperately unhappy unless covered head to toe in pink frothiness. She is the epitome of a girly-girl and sports a tiara as a reminder to the rest of us that she is indeed, a princess. Pink often fakes her own death for attention and was fairly devastated when her younger sister was born. Did I fail to mention that she is the love of my life?
Tinkerbell- She is the three year old currently running my life. A blonde-headed sprite of a thing, Tink will kick you in the shins and steal your lunch money just as quickly as she will profess her undying love for humanity. Tink couldn't give two hoots about rules or regulations...she eats, sleeps and wrecks the joint with wild abandon. My life is better because of her.
Boy- This is the guy I was waiting for. 7 years my senior, he is blue and white collar mixed to perfection. He tells it to you straight and is loyal to a fault. Our first date was of the wine-guzzling clothes-shredding variety and I knew that I had met my match. Boy takes care of his body, his family and the girls and myself religiously. His wild past will provide endless opportunities for entertaining the blogosphere.
And then there's me...Girl...
In love with 2 little ladies and 1 fine Boy. Never in a bazillion years imagined myself a divorced, single mother. The last two years have taken me on a wild ride of emotions, in and out of love...struggling to find my place in the world as well as leave a positive footprint on it. I finally feel, for the first time in 33 years that i am right where I was meant to be.
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