Wednesday, February 22, 2012

The Great Facebook Purge...

Oh, February, how I loathe thee...

Your grim, drab bleeding into the next. Wishing, daily, that each day would pass quickly. Please let Spring begin.

It's time for a rebirth.

I am a constant thinker. As a Gemini, I change my stance on topics and viewpoints on life regularly. Some have called me fickle. Or hypocritical. I guess I am. If you're ever going to grow and learn, at some point you have to become a hypocrite...otherwise what you thought once will always and forever be...what you think.

That doesn't work for me and never has. Raising children has changed how I view myself. I can see what they see and it's not always good, but I'm always aware that it can be made...better. Three years ago I started working out and it was, at first, excruciating. Now, I manage four or five days a week...most nights after the darlings are in bed and I feel....strong. And proud of that. But, I am also vain. And that's ok. A little vanity goes a long way and I'm teaching my daughters that, not only are my arms strong enough to lift both of them....but, so is my heart. I have no tolerance for laziness of spirit or body. This is a lesson I want them to learn. Move and respect your body. Be proud of it if your efforts are complimented. At the same time my thoughts and words are hypocritical, because I haven't always treated my body with respect. We are ever learning...

Which is why it is the right time for a purge. A mental one, if you will. I have never been a practicing Catholic, but in complete hypocrisy enjoy the sacrifices made during the Lenten season. And this year I am purging negative social media from my mental diet. I am a Facebook addict. There, I said it. Many of you can relate. Mindlessly checking the newsfeed to see if something profound has happened or will happened. rarely does. What happens is that my mind becomes clouded by junk and ignorance. Grand proclamations of exhaustion and WORK SUCKS and no one can drive or make smart decisions or get out of my way and don't they realize that I am the pinnacle of political intelligence?! Once again...hypocrisy...I have made numerous status updates like those as if anyone would ever really care. I will miss the happy announcements, the inspirational or those coming from someone with a dry wit, but I'll survive.  My mind needs a mental purge. Facebook has to go. For forty days I won't be checking the status updates or scanning countless photos of others. I'm going to read, for myself. Books. Lots of them. Self-help and inspirational and declutter this and that and maybe a little Lady Chatterly's Lover for the lonelier nights. I will delete my Facebook app from the IPad and IPhone. And at the end of 40 days I will share with you what I've read and what I've accomplished sans Facebook. Hopefully it will be here and not there. Hopefully it will carry weight and have added meaning to this life.

But...I will keep writing. Because, I love it. And a few of you read my musings on life. So you can find me at this website. Bookmark it. Meet me here. I promise to remain as true and as hypocritical as ever.



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