Thursday, February 4, 2010

A Letter to My Girls...

Dearest Pink and Tink,

Do you know how very much I love you?

More than waffles and Wiggles, Barbies and Princesses.

More than Hide n Seek and dancing to the Single Ladies.

More than Friday night movies and singing songs from Rent.

More than Nana's house and Papa's lap.

As much as your beautiful blue eyes and sweet morning kisses.

As much as holding hands and snuggling under covers.

As much as sharing dreams and fears.

Do you know that...

I stand in the kitchen and watch you dance.

I come into your rooms at night to kiss you one last time....more than once.

The sound of your laughter is food for my soul.

I love you is not nearly enough...

I am so very happy to be your Mommy.


  1. This is so awesome... treasure these moments with your girls... I know I try to treasure my moments with my daughter.... and son. But they are growing faster than I can keep up with it seems.

    Thanks for stopping by SOLO dot MOM...

    Come by and say hi any time. :)

  2. Thanks Katherine!

    I love those little's nice to have an outlet in which to express that. Hopefully someday they'll have all of this to read.



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